Breaking: 1st Time Successful ASD Operation in Asansol

First Time in Asansol Congenital Heart Defect Treated Successfully

A female aged 30 years was referred from Nursing homes to multiple hospitals and finally approached us. Patient had came to know about HLG’s Cardiac Unit through one of our old satisfied patient. A detailed study and diagnosis was done and appropriate treatment was provided keeping in view the young age of patient who is […]

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Recovering From Aortic Valve Replacement Heart Surgery: Patient’s Story

pexels karolina grabowska 4386495 - HLG Hospital

It is with great pleasure that we share with you the story of one of our patients who recovered from aortic valve replacement surgery. Best Heart Surgery at Asansol – HLG Hospital After a successful surgery and a short hospital stay, this patient returned home and resumed all of their normal activities. We are happy […]

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Mr Pradeep Singh Balloon Seller got the Best Treatment at HLG

Mr Pradeep Singh, a balloon seller suffering from stone in his Gall bladder

He is Mr Pradeep Singh, a balloon seller suffering from stone in his Gall bladder. With no resources for his treatment, he approached the Rotary Club of Asansol. Rotary Club of Asansol took responsibility for his treatment right from Diagnosis to surgery. In this Endeavour, the Rotary Club of Asansol got tremendous support from HLG Hospital […]

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